Monday, January 24, 2011


hey there. i haven't authored a post on this blog in quite some time. and by the looks of it neither have the other two. this is going to be kind of long, it's going to be verbose, it's going to be very rambley (i just made up a word).

2010 is now over. it was over 24 days ago. 2010 was a big year for me. many things happened, both good and bad. the biggest piece of news is that my son oliver was born on october 3rd. thus far, my son has been the highlight of my life. being a parent and having a son is much like everyone else describes it, euphoric, hard to describe, wonderful etc. i'm not going to keep going on about how wonderful it is because you'll probably get annoyed with me.

i had a real rough patch in the summer of 2010 as well. i'm not going to get into details mostly because i don't really want to just put it out there for anyone and everyone to read, as i'm kind of embarrassed about it all, but also because you probably don't really care that much. what i will tell you is that i ended up taking a little vacation from life, and had to get my head straight. i was diagnosed with bipolar II disorder and obsessive compulsive disorder which helped me realize a few things about myself. before this, i was doing many things i didn't want to do, and not doing many of the things i did and do want to do. i got to reboot my life, essentially. 

various other big and small things happened. i decided to quit school after many failed attempts at finding something that i could excel at. i've decided to pursue a career in the fitness industry as a "9 to 5" type gig, and obviously keep going with cnqst on the side. i think this was probably the best thing i've done for myself in a very long time. it was the first major decision i've made for me with no outside persuasion.

speaking of cnqst, i probably shouldn't admit this, i have no idea what is going on with this brand. i've seen nathan twice, and dylan once since the birth of oliver. the last i heard our merchandise was in a warehouse, it was going to get "shipped soon" and we were going to get a tracking number. as far as i know, none of those two things have happened. but like i said, there hasn't been much contact between myself and the other two (no one is to blame for this, it just hasn't really happened). 

i've been thinking a lot about the future of this business over the past month or so. i've got a few things up my sleeve that i think people will be pretty happy with, but the interests of the three of us are changing so rapidly (by the cnqst timeline) that i have really no idea what is going to happen next. i just read this quote by a very talented man named greg washington: "i don't want to be someone you stare at, i want to be someone you look twice at." i think this really embodies what i want our stuff to look like. but that's just me.

i'm really looking forward to getting the ball rolling in 2011. this brand has had a very slow start. but over the next few months things are really going to materialize. our tanner goods collab, from what i understand, is coming along, and i really hope to continue a relationship with those guys. i've got ideas for our next line, but i'm not going to get into that. i've also got a few other out of the box ideas, but you don't get to know about those either.

anyway. i don't really know what the purpose of this post was, other than to just make a post. i hope anyone that reads this blog and knows what cnqst is continues to support the brand and keep in touch.

happy belated new year!


Wednesday, November 03, 2010


Here's a brief documentary on trends and how they develop to become popular. Very insightful, watch it.

INFLUENCERS FULL VERSION (FR) from R+I creative on Vimeo.

- Nathan

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Last Minutes with Oden

Thank you Jason Wood for allowing us this moment.

Last Minutes with ODEN from phos pictures on Vimeo.

A thought of interest

You'll wait a long, long time for anything much to happen in heaven Beyond the floats of cloud
And the Northern Lights that run like tingling nerves.
The sun and moon get crossed, but they never touch,
Nor strike out fire from each other nor crash out loud.
The planets seem to interfere in their curves
But nothing ever happens, no harm is done.

We may as well go patiently on with our life,
And look elsewhere than to stars and moon and sun
For the shocks and changes we need to keep us sane.

An excerpt from On Looking up by Chance at the Constellations by Robert Frost

- Nathan

Thursday, September 16, 2010

They are out there!

I know it! That I will one day meet my test shot. The girl that tells me to "change that shirt, you look stupid" or hands me some interesting article on style. I don't mind that at all. Someone caring as much about herself and her own independence as I do about my own. At the same time though, a beauty.  Pshhhhhhh cheers!

Jake Davis Test Shots: Arianna Margulis from Jake Davis on Vimeo.


Wednesday, July 07, 2010

On the way!

So we have been waiting patiently for our new line to come in and I just recieved a few pics of all our finished gear ready for shipment... here are a few sneak peak photos of our collection just hanging out in boxes in Hong Kong. Enjoy!

- Dylan

Monday, July 05, 2010

Home Furnishing

So I am moving into a new place in Toronto in September...back to school, back to work and life and living under the poverty line with little to no money. BUT the one thing I will be looking forward to is coming into my place with the intention on turning white walls and hard wood floors into this!

- Dylan

Thursday, July 01, 2010

Hidden Items

Secret Stash from yiting cheng on Vimeo.

I want all of these things! I don't have anything of any value that I am worried about someone taking, they're just badass.

Video/items by designer YiTing Cheng, who seems to be pretty legit.

via Gizmodo

- Kevin

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Summer + Birdwell Beach Britches

So, summer is in full swing now and in light of that I figured I'd post about a must have item, a proper pair of swim trunks. It's time to face facts and admit that your extra long pair of neon or flowered boardshorts are overworn and tired. Birdwell Beach Britches have been around since the early 60's and there is a reason for that. The classic shortie-style and quality material speaks for itself, after reading up on them apparently they last 15+ years of heavy surf and wear. I ordered the pair seen below last month and have been living in em since the arrival of the warm weather.

Check out The Birdwell Family's amazing low-tech site here

- Nathan

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


So about a week ago I decided to finally make a twitter account, because everyone has one. Thus far I'm actually only following three or four people I actually know, and I think I have two or three people following me that I actually know. The rest of the followers/followees are musicians, brands, fellow bloggers, etc, etc.

Some interesting things have happened since my twitter account has been erected. The most exciting one by far is that Marcus Troy tweeted directly to me! more than once! I'm not lying about this, there is evidence.

All of this is happening while I'm at work. My job can get very boring sometimes, so I have to result to blogging and twittering and lamebooking and creeping etc, etc. On my most recent episode of boredom induced web surfing I came across an awesome blog called anotherfaceinthecrowd. Here's the link:

I have been spending a few minutes browsing through this person's (I have no idea who maintains this blog, but I can assume it's a male) blog and it's just the coolest thing ever. It's really modern and trendy / legit without trying too hard.

Basically what I'm saying is that I think you should follow me on twitter ( and that you should read this guy's blog (

That's all.

- Kevin!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Marcus Troy x Ronnie Fieg - Nexus Project

Marcus Troy's docksides were released this morning at I have to say, I think I'm in love. I love what fellow Canadian did with the colours and materials. 

I look forward to seeing the rest of the releases from The Nexus Project!

- Kevin

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Something I would love to do.

So basically there are designers, brand builders, runway models, fashionistas and entrepreneurs. I really am unsure of my journey in fashion because I don't really feel worthy of putting myself in any of these columns just yet, only because I want to keep it real and modest. But when the time comes and it all drops and you guys see what the fuck we have been talking about for so long, my next step will hopefully be something like this!

THICKER THAN WATER: Arthur and Daniel Chmielewski of HAVEN from on Vimeo.

- Dylan

Tuesday, June 08, 2010

The Sebago Nexus Project

Here is a short preview captured by none other than Jake Davis for something truly great coming this summer. Check it out.

Ronnie Fieg Presents: The Sebago Nexus Project - Trailer by Jake Davis from Jake Davis on Vimeo.

- Nathan

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Personal Essentials

There are few things in life that you just cannot live without, and Brian Ferry photographs them well. Check it out!

- Dylan

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Tour de Maestro NYC stop

Levi hits New York to visit the Ace Hotel, Complex Headquarters and Milk Studios. He also brings his camera along to shoot the NYC leg of the adiCup 2010. Legit vid, check it.

Tour De Maestro - NYC from levi maestro on Vimeo.

- Nathan